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D.W. Read from Arthur

…Dora Winifred, better known by the abbreviation “D.W.” is Arthur’s younger sister on the PBS show Arthur, based on the books by Marc Brown. D.W. is in preschool, and enjoys watching Mary Moo Cow and listening to Crazy Bus, which irritates her older brother. D.W.’s typical outfit consists of a pink sleeveless dress over a long sleeved white shirt….

Marie Schrader

…While Marie Schrader supposedly holds a job as a technician at a radiology center, she is best known for being a kleptomaniac with a penchant for all things purple. From her home decor to her wardrobe, if it is purple Marie probably owns it. Whether or not she obtained it lawfully is debatable….

Jesse Pinkman

…Jesse Pinkman may have gotten in a little over his head when he decided to become partners with his former high school chemistry teacher. However, upping his meth production has allowed him to increase the number of T-shirts he owns which are great for showing off those tribal tattoos….

Carrie Bradshaw

…Carrie Bradshaw is many things: a writer, a lover, and a best friend. Most of all, she is a fashionista and a shopping addict. See here, her most iconic outfit worn in the opening credits of “Sex and the City”. It includes a pale pink top, vintage tutu, and a wild mane….

21 Group Costume Ideas for Halloween 2023

…inspired by your favorite TV show is sure to be a hit. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds If you’re looking for an easily recognizable Halloween costume, a Starfleet uniform from Star Trek will fit the bill. The latest iteration of the iconic science fiction series is Strange New Worlds, which charts Captain Pike and his adventures on the U.S.S Enterprise. Original series fans will see notable crewmates, such as Spock and Uhura, return alongside new c…

Isabelle from Animal Crossing: New Horizons

…er than construction, that is. She’s generally in a happy mood and, should news run thin, eager to share the latest and greatest news in television shows. There are a few ways that you can achieve Isabelle’s look. The first way uses body paint to mimic the color of Isabelle’s fur. It can be applied to your face, neck, hands, arms, and legs. The other option is to use blush on your cheeks to mimic Isabelle’s blush but otherwise skip over her fur wi…

An Interview with Matt Curtin from The Game: The Joys of Dungeons & Dragons

…k. Cosplay has this wonderful sense of getting you into the feeling of the world, immersing yourself further into a made up world. It’s really just drawing on whatever you have.” Chaos and hilarity ensues in The Game. Copyright: Ion Tong. Did you have a favorite scene, part, or moment to film or one that you’ve written? Matt: “Well you’re certainly making me choose between my children [laughs]. For me personally, my favorite moment happens in the

Yeah Yeah from The Sandlot

…Alan “Yeah Yeah” McClennan, played by Marty York, is the king of confirmation known for saying “Yeah Yeah” when he agrees with someone. Sometimes it backfires on him. When he hyped up the crew while making fun of Smalls, Benny pointed out Yeah Yeah runs like a duck and he’s still “part of the game, right?”. Being embarrassed, he only answered back, “Yeah”. Yeah Yeah likes to joke around, but he is a loyal friend in the Sandlot….

Black Heroes Matter: Inspirational Black Characters in Pop Culture

and bulletproof skin, he uses his powers for good to protect the people of New York. His other alias, Power Man, has origins in the term “Black Power.” Sam Wilson from Marvel’s Avengers You know who deserves more appreciation? Sam Wilson, aka Falcon. And I’m sick of him being overshadowed by Captain America and Winter Soldier! His unwavering loyalty to Captain America is apparent in every movie, from fighting on his team in Civil War to coming “on…

Cospositivity Panel and Interview with Heather Boddy

…ku, it makes sense for cosplay, fitness, and body image to intertwine. The New York Comic Con 2022 panel “Cosposivity: Fitness and Body Image in the Cosplay Community” engages in a discussion about fitness, body image, and self worth. This is the third iteration of the panel, following NYCC 2021 and C2E2 2022. I actually got to speak on this panel in 2021, and I was thrilled to see it return! The 2022 panelists included NYC award winning cosplayer…