The San Franpsycho from Scooby Doo
In season 2, episode 8 of “What’s New, Scooby Doo?” the cleverly named San Franpsycho is harassing competitors at the Grind Games, a skateboarding competition in San Fransisco. He’s menacing, hostile, and downright destructive, but in the end he’s no match for a skateboarding Scooby Doo. You know what they say, “if you can’t Doo the time, don’t Doo the crime.”
Earl Hickey
In My Name is Earl, Earl Jehosephat Hickey (Jason Lee) is a simple blue collar guy who has an epiphany about karma after getting hit by a car, and sets out to right the wrongs of his past, which includes a long history of petty crimes and bullying.
Sam from Until Dawn
In Until Dawn, Samantha Giddings (Hayden Panettiere) is a playable character, and probably the most level-headed of the group. She’s genuinely caring and has a disdain for violence, but is able brave and strong-willed.
Bombshell Wonder Woman
DC Bombshells is an alternate reality where female superheroes guard the homefront during WWII. Inspired by history and the classic pinups of the 1940’s, Wonder Woman joins the United States Army Air Corps after a raid near Themyscira.
Vincenzo Coccotti in True Romance
In the 1993 film True Romance, Vicenzo Coccotti (Christopher Walken) is the consigliere to “Blue” Lou Boyle in Detroit. His cool, calm and collected personality is shattered when Clarence Worley’s father, Clifford Worley (Dennis Hopper), insults his Sicilian heritage. In addition to the costume, practice saying, “you’re a cantaloupe,” in your best Walken impression.
Jackie O
Jackie Kennedy Onassis was the wife of John F. Kennedy, and U.S. First Lady from 1961 until her husband’s assassination in 1963. In the film, Jackie, Natalie Portman channels the iconic style and elegance Jackie O became famous for. Pillbox hats, white gloves, pearls, and wool skirt suits were part of her signature look, which would later become known as the “Jackie” look.
The Most Common Mistakes People Make with SFX Makeup and How to Fix Them
10 years ago, you probably never would’ve thought of attempting to DIY a gory Halloween makeup look, but times have […]
In the multiverse of Rick and Morty, the creature Unity (Christina Hendricks) is both an alien collective hivemind and also the former lover of Rick Sanchez (Justin Roiland). While Unity can take the form of many/multiple genders and races (and likely is not limited to such), it often assumes a more prominent, dominant form of a humanoid female wearing a magenta skirt-suit when around Rick and the grandkids.
Batman (2016)
In Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, the iteration of Batman (Ben Affleck), aka Batfleck, is an older, more war weary superhero. When he must face off against the powerful Superman, he spends his millions to upgrade his batsuit to an armored version with kryptonite tipped weapons.