
Sherlock Holmes (BBC)

BBC’s Sherlock transports the eponymous detective from his Victorian-era home to the 21st century. While that may mean he’s solving crime with the assistance of modern technology and sending messages via text instead of telegram, his vast intelligence, deductive reasoning and gentleman’s dress sense all remain intact.

Dexter Morgan

A blood splatter analyst by day and a serial killer by night, Dexter Morgan walks the line between super villain and superhero. Whether you see his lifestyle choice as good or evil, you can’t deny he looks good doing it.

Richard Simmons

Richard Simmons is best known for his aerobic video series “Sweatin’ to the Oldies”. It’s hard to tell what’s more eccentric, his personality or his choice of workout gear.

Mister Rogers

Mister Rogers was our friendliest neighbor. He taught us something new everyday, but before he got started, he never failed to zip up his cardigan sweater and change into comfortable Keds while singing a song.


Ryu is notably one of Street Fighters most popular characters. Premiering in the very first Street Fighter in 1987, he’s been hadoken-ing his way through a series of sequels, crossovers, and even mangas to date. He is arguably one of the most prominent icons in video game history. Just Google ‘Ryu’. Do it. You won’t.

Kurt Cobain

Considered by many to be the “King of Grunge Rock”, singer/songwriter/guitarist frontman of Nirvana, Kurt Cobain, became the unwillingly leader of a generation. His jaded attitude and “don’t care” appearance was something to which many kids could relate. Though his life was cut short, his music remains influential to this day.

The Angry Video Game Nerd

The Angry Video Game Nerd demonstrates his mastery of potty humor and F-bombs in his popular classic video game reviews. Like any good nerd, AVGN always sports a pocket full of pens and Sharpies while he trashes awful games between sips of Rolling Rock.

Fix-It Felix Jr.

Fix-It Felix Jr. is one of the main protagonists and the star of the fictional arcade game, “Fix-It Felix Jr.” in Disney’s Wreck-It Ralph. When Ralph leaves the game to make himself a hero, Felix goes after him and proves himself to be caring and helpful. He wears a typical repair-man uniform…just add golden hammer!


Ryan Gosling plays the unnamed “Driver” in the movie Drive. The character seems to have a stable, yet lonely, life, working three jobs as a mechanic, stuntman, and a secret getaway driver. Though his life changes when he meets his new neighbors, Driver is consistently seen in his scorpion jacket and chewing on a toothpick throughout the film.

The Incredible Burt Wonderstone

Burt Wonderstone is a world famous magician with a flamboyant streak. When his fame starts to fade, he’s forced to reckon with the up-and-coming street act of the dark and mysterious Steve Gray.

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