
Cooper from Grabbed by the Ghoulies

Cooper (voiced by Steve Malpass) is the main character of the Grabbed by the Ghoulies video game.  The premise of the game is that Cooper must save his girlfriend Amber from Ghoulhaven Hall, a mansion plagued by a plethora of supernatural creatures.  Cooper is a teenage boy with light blonde, spiky hair.  He wears tan shoes, light blue jeans, and a bright green sweater with a contrasting stripe around his midsection and collar.  To recreate his look, you can go for an easier green and purple striped top, but if you’re up for a little DIY you can get a better match by taking a green sweater and adding your own details with some fabric paint.  Top off the look with jeans, boots, and a spiky wig.

Mickey Milkovich from Shameless

Mickey Milkovich (Noel Fisher) is a character in the Showtime comedy drama Shameless. The Milkovich family are neighbors of the Gallagher family. Mickey is their oldest child and becomes Ian’s main love interest. Sadly Mickey becomes estranged from his family because they do not accept his sexuality. In contrast to Ian’s goofy personality, Mickey is serious – in addition to being violent and erratic, which causes rifts between them. His bad boy style includes tank tops and shirts with the sleeves cut off.

mugen from samurai champloo

Mugen from Samurai Champloo

Mugen (voiced by Kazuya Nakai and Steve Blum) is one of the three main characters from Samurai Champloo.  Cantankerous, violent, and unpredictable, Mugen joins forces with Jin to help Fuu find the sunflower samurai.  Mugen has dark messy hair and wears grey hakama cut short, a white shirt that laces in the front, and a red yukata-style jacket.  He also wears geta sandals and wields a double-edged tsurugi sword, which you can purchase a replica of.  Lastly, Mugen has blue banded tattoos around his wrists and ankles, which you can recreate with body paint.

tweek tweak from south park

Tweek Tweak from South Park

Tweek Tweak (voiced by Matt Stone) is a fourth grader at South Park Elementary in the animated series South Park.  Tweek drinks too much caffeine and originally appears in season two working on a class project with Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and Eric.  He is in a relationship with Craig Tucker.  Tweek has spiky blonde hair and wears blue jeans and black shoes.  His top is an olive green shirt which is improperly buttoned, so be sure to be as wonky as possible with the fastenings when you don yours as part of your costume.

danny cho from beef

Danny Cho from Beef

Danny Cho (played by Steven Yeun) is a down-on-his-luck contractor who enters into an increasingly virulent game of chicken with Amy Lau in the Netflix and A24 series Beef.  Danny lives with his lazy brother and struggles to keep his business afloat in the wake of his parents losing the motel they ran for years.  Danny’s clothing is far less fashionable than Amy’s, favoring comfort even when he’s not at work.  He also often layers a white tee of some kind under his clothes, or wears it alone when at home or exercising.

Ian Gallagher from Shameless

Ian Gallagher (Cameron Monaghan) is a character in the Showtime comedy drama Shameless. He is a member of the Gallagher family, born out of an affair between Monica and Frank’s brother. Ian can be goofy but he has a strong heart and spirit. He is gay and is in an on-and-off relationship with Mickey Milkovich.


Narciso Anasui

Narciso Anasui is a character in part six of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. He is another inmate at Green Dolphin Street Prison who falls in love with Jolyne and wants to marry her. Also called Anastasia, he joins forces with Jolyne to help take down Pucci. His stand is called Diver Down, which channels energy into objects. In his first appearance in the manga, Anasui was originally drawn as a woman. Affix two pairs of flip flops to the fishnet top and on the belt buckle.

Seijuro Mikoshiba from Free! (Sports Outfit)

Seijuro (voiced in Japanese by Kenjiro Tsuda and in English by Robert McCollum) is one of the secondary characters in the anime series Free!

He was the captain of the swimming club at Samezuka Academy, until passing the title on to Rin upon graduating. His younger brother, Momotaro, is currently a student at Samezuka, also on the team.

Seijuro has short, spiky, burnt orange colored hair and golden eyes. He wears an undershirt t-shirt that’s a similar color to his hair, the Samezuka Academy sports jacket, and a pair of black pants.

Weather Report

Weather Report is a character in part six of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. He is imprisoned with Jolyne at Green Dolphin Street Prison. He doesn’t remember his name or identity – therefore a Stand User without a disc. Weather Report allies himself with Jolyne and vows to take down Pucci. Calm and stealthy, he gets very close to speak softly. His Stand is also called Weather Report, which controls the weather. This costume guide gives the basics but will require some DIY. Use scissors to cut out the designs on his chest and neckline, and use white fabric paint to write “G.D. Street Jail” on the back of the bodysuit. Affix the gold letter “W” to the solid buckle of the belt.

Momotaro Mikoshiba from Free! (Casual Outfit)

Momotaro (voiced in Japanese by Kenichi Suzumura and in English by Jerry Jewell) is one of the secondary characters in the anime series Free!

He is the younger brother of Seijuro (and Isuzu), the former captain of Samezuka Academy’s swim club, and at present in the series, he is the new captain.

Momo has short, fluffy, burnt orange hair, and bright golden eyes. We see him wear several outfits through the series, and this is one of his more casual ones. He has a yellow hoodie that he wears under a white, black lined jacket, with matching white pants. He finishes off the look with a pair of black sneakers.

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