
Niko from Despicable Me 3

In Despicable Me 3, Niko is a young boy who lives on the island of Freedonia, where Dru also resides. He develops a crush on Margo after Lucy makes her to eat Niko’s cheese at the Cheese Festival, and soon offers a pig as an engagement gift.

Crowley from Supernatural

In Supernatural, Crowley (Mark Sheppard) is a powerful demon who became the King of Hell after Lucifer’s imprisonment. In the past, he’s aligned himself with Sam and Dean, as well as Castiel. Crowley enjoys dressing sharply in dark-colored suits, and was once punished by Lucifer by being forced to wear bright-colored clothing.

Count Andrenyi

In the 2017 adaptation of Murder on the Orient Express, Count Andrenyi (Sergei Polunin) is the husband of Countess Andrenyi, who travels in luxury on a Hungarian diplomatic passport. His wardrobe is extravagant and upscale, compared to the other passengers, and he’s fiercely protective of his wife.

Gerhard Hardman

In the 2017 adaptation of Murder on the Orient Express, Gerhard Hardman (Willem Dafoe) is a stern German professor who is suspicious of his fellow passengers aboard the Orient Express.

Lucifer from Supernatural

Lucifer from Supernatural

In Supernatural, Lucifer (Mark Pellegrino), also known as Satan or The Devil or The Morning Star, is a fallen archangel and the main antagonist, as you could’ve guessed, of the TV series. Despite his claims that he’s a victim, he’s petulant and treacherous to anyone who gets in his way.

Sheriff Walt Longmire

The protagonist and unflappable sheriff of Absaroka county in the Netflix TV series Longmire, Walt Longmire (Robert Taylor) patrols his Wyoming territory with grit and determination. A weathered man with a core set of principles, he handles the twin difficulties of his caseload and the politics of working with the Cheyenne Reservation while also relentlessly searching for the killer of his wife. He dresses for the dry, dusty plains of Wyoming in a uniformly jean outfit and his signature hat.

Ali G

Ali G

Ali G (Sacha Baron Cohen), real name Alistair Leslie Graham, is a white British suburban male who imitates urban rap and hip hop culture. He’s boorish, uneducated, and the very definition of a poser, spouting endless catchphrases like “aight”, “booyakasha”, and “respek”.

Countess Andrenyi

In the 2017 adaptation of Murder on the Orient Express, Countess Andrenyi (Lucy Boynton) is an elegant, wealthy dancer aboard the Orient Express. She takes barbital to sleep during the day, so she’s frequently awake at night. Because of this, her clothing is a mix of elegant day fashion and leisure or sleepwear.

Kara from Detroit: Become Human

Kara from Detroit: Become Human

In Detroit: Become Human, Kara (voiced by Valorie Curry) is an AX400 housemaid android serving in the household of Todd Williams and his daughter Alice. Kara’s connection to her young charge leads to her developing artificial consciousness and takes responsibility for her safety.

Wade Watts from Ready Player One

Wade Watts from Ready Player One

In Ready Player One, Wade Watts (Tye Sheridan) is an orphaned teenager living in the slummy “stacks” of Columbus, Ohio. He passes his time in the virtual reality universe OASIS, where he controls his avatar Parzival as a Gunter who tries to win the Golden Easter Egg hunt so he can leave the stacks.

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