

Odlaw is Waldo’s nemesis who’s his opposite in both his character and his dress. Even his name is the opposite of Waldo’s!

Woman in Under the Skin

In Under the Skin, Scarlett Johansson plays a woman who travels around in a nondescript vehicle, probing random men with questions. Some even get invited back to her house, where they experience something they’ll remember for the rest of their lives.

Scarlet Witch

The Scarlet Witch was originally part of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, along with her brother and father. She has the ability to manipulate probability and reality through her hexes. Though she used to fight against the X-Men, she later switches sides to become a key member of the Avengers.

Kim Jong-Un

In The Interview, Randall Park plays Kim Jong-Un, the North Korean dictator with a soft spot for Katy Perry and a love for the good life. However, talk show host Dave Skylark (James Franco) soon discovers that all is not what it seems.

Tombo Kopoli

In Kiki’s Delivery Service, Tombo is obsessed with aviation and even made his own propeller bike. It’s no big surprise that he develops a crush on Kiki especially after he finds out she can fly.

Sunset Shimmer

Despite her sunny name and appearance, Sunset Shimmer is actually the villain in the My Little Pony Equestria Girls series. She’s enemies with Twilight Sparkle, who are both fighting to gain possession of the element of magic crown that allows them to move between the pony and human worlds.

Snake Plissken

In Escape from New York, Snake Plissken (Kurt Russell) is an ex-soldier given 24 hours to rescue the President from Manhattan, which has been converted to a maximum security prison. If he’s successful, he gets a presidential pardon. If not, the explosives that have been implanted in his body will be detonated.

Chandelier Dancer

Maddie Ziegler is the dancer in Sia’s music video for her hit single “Chandelier”. Her costume is easy enough to pull off but her dance moves might take some practice.

Claire Dearing

Claire Dearing

In Jurassic World, head of park operations Claire Dearing (Bryce Dallas Howard) is responsible for creating the dangerous hybrid raptor, Indominus Rex. Smart and pulled together, Claire ends up running around the island with Owen Grady in an attempt to save everyone – and all while wearing heels.


In the footage of the creepypasta Marble Hornets incident, Masky makes several appearances. Despite the feminine mask with black eyeshadow and lips, Masky is a burly man. He has messy hair and wears a distinctive jacket that’s thought to be the same as Tim’s.

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