Xenia Onnatop
A former Soviet fighter pilot and current Janus Syndicate assassin, Xenia Onnatop (Famke Janssen) proves to be a skilled, sociopathic adversary for James Bond in the film Goldeneye. Xenia wields sex as a weapon, preferring to murder her victims by crushing them with her thighs during sex. Appropriately, she dresses in sexy, tight, usually black outfits with her hair wound in an updo.
In Overwatch, Brigitte Lindholm is support / DPS / tank hero that hails from Sweden. She specializes in making armor, which she learned from her father Torbjorn, and using armor, which she learned from her godfather Reinhardt. To complete the look, draw a cog tattoo on your left bicep for the Ironclad Guild, and cut the fingertips off your work gloves. It also helps if you’ve got freckles.
Pussy Galore
Pussy Galore (Honor Blackman) is a stunning blonde pilot working for the evil Goldfinger in the 1964 James Bond film of the same name. A smart, saucy, independent woman, she leads a group of female aviators called Pussy Galore’s Flying Circus. At first she states to James Bond that she is “immune” to his charm, but later changes her mind and falls in love with him, betraying Goldfinger in the process. This guide covers her debut outfit, a sexy aviator-inspired outfit of blazer, vest, pants and boots.
Survival Specialist from Fortnite
In Fortnite, the Survival Specialist is one of the more understated skins in the game, especially compared to ones like Rabbit Raider and Power Chord. But there’s no denying it’s one of the most practical ones from a gameplay standpoint.
Power Chord from Fortnite
Bring on the noise complaints with this ferocious pink outfit from Fortnite. Show your punky side with this legendary skin that features the six string back bling and a tank top that’s apparently been tattered in countless battle royales.
Mallory Knox from Natural Born Killers
Mallory Knox (Juliette Lewis) is the mate of Mickey Knox in the 1994 film, Natural Born Killers. She is a feisty and ruthless killer who slaughters people for the same reason as her lover, without any remorse.
Princess Dragomiroff
In the 2017 adaptation of Murder on the Orient Express, Judi Dench plays Princess Natalia Dragomiroff, an aristocratic Russian princess. Though the character is famously ugly, she is decked out in lavish and luxurious clothing and accessories.
Dorothy “Dot” Williams
Dorothy “Dot” Williams (Ashleigh Cummings) is the companion, friend, maid and cook of private detective Miss Fischer on the Australian TV show Miss Fischer’s Murder Mysteries. She is an unflappable, serious woman, a devout Catholic and a willing participant in Miss Fischer’s schemes. Utterly loyal to Miss Fisher since the detective took Dot under her wing, Dot will do anything for her. This guide covers her original maid/cook/assistant uniform.
Phryne Fisher
A glamorous, charming, wildly independent female private detective in 1920’s Melbourne, Phryne Fischer (Essie Davis) solves crimes with wit, smarts and fabulous clothes on the Australian TV series Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries. Phryne is a wealthy woman with no intention of marrying and who loves interfering with the cases of local Detective Jack Robinson. To portray this vivacious woman, put together a high-fashion 1920’s inspired outfit complete with a short black bob, sparkling hair accessory and purse pistol.
Make Your Own: Princess Mononoke
Princess Mononoke is Studio Ghibli’s 1997 epic fantasy film, taking place in Muromachi-era Japan. The only Studio Ghibli film to […]