john carpenter

Corey Cunningham from Halloween Ends

Corey Cunningham (played by Rohan Campbell) is an antagonist in the film Halloween Ends, the final installment of the horror franchise.  Corey becomes the town pariah when he accidentally kills the boy he is babysitting on Halloween night.  A few years later, after he’s acquitted of manslaughter charges, Laurie Strode takes pity on Corey when he’s bullied, eventually introducing him to her granddaughter Allyson.  Corey wears several different outfits throughout the film.  One of his most memorable costume pieces is his brown leather jacket, which Allyson also wears.  During a particularly brutal scene of the film, Corey dons a dark sweater, a creepy clown mask, and wields a corkscrew to deadly effect.

Jamie Lee Curtis on “Halloween Ends” and How Much Laurie Strode Means To Her

Halloween Ends — the night Jamie came to New York Comic Con! The legendary Jamie Lee Curtis was the center […]

Buddy Repperton from Christine

Buddy Repperton

Clarence “Buddy” Repperton (William Ostrander) is a character from the novel Christine by Stephen King, and the movie adaptation made by John Carpenter. Repperton is the leader of a a gang of bullies, and trashes titular car Christine after her owner got him kicked out of school.

They Live Alien

They Live is an action horror film from John Carpenter in which a drifer finds out a large percentage of the American population who hold power are actually aliens, and that all written text really say subliminal messages such as “OBEY” or “STAY ASLEEP”. Best done in groups. Recommended you make an “OBEY” picket sign.

Ben Tramer

Ben Tramer is a minor character mentioned in Halloween I and featured in one of the most memorable scenes of Halloween II. He is a young man who gets mistaken for Michael Myers
and as a result gets chased by police and ultimately killed when a police car rams him, causing an explosion.

Jack Burton

In Big Trouble in Little China, Jack Burton (Kurt Russell) is a truck driver who must help rescue his friend’s fiancee, who’s been kidnapped by a Chinese street gang called the Lords of Death. Entering the mysterious underworld of Chinatown, he soon faces off against a powerful sorcerer named David Lo Pan.

Snake Plissken

In Escape from New York, Snake Plissken (Kurt Russell) is an ex-soldier given 24 hours to rescue the President from Manhattan, which has been converted to a maximum security prison. If he’s successful, he gets a presidential pardon. If not, the explosives that have been implanted in his body will be detonated.

Michael Myers

In the Halloween slasher films, Michael Myers is a masked killer on the loose, stalking his next teenage victim. Don’t get him confused with Jason Voorhees or Mike Myers, he takes great offense when that happens.

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