netflix animation

Sarah Lynn from BoJack Horseman

In BoJack Horseman, Sarah Lynn (voiced by Kristen Schaal) is a pop star and actress who played BoJack Horseman’s adoptive daughter Sabrina on the sitcom Horsin’ Around. Long out of work, Sarah Lynn is now troubled and reckless, dealing with substance abuse and relationship issues.

Lola Skumpy from Big Mouth

In Big Mouth, Lola Skumpy (voiced by Nick Kroll) is one of the popular girls at school. She has a thing for thick Jewish boys, and dates Andrew Glouberman. Unfortunately, when he breaks up with her, she breaks his wrist.

Sir Pendergast from Disenchantment

Sir Pendergast from Disenchantment

In Disenchantment, Sir Pendergast is a Knight of the Zog Table. He seems to be their leader, carelessly sending other knights like Mortimer the Expendable to their deaths. Sir Pendergast has fulfilled quests for King Zog and Princess Bean, including retrieving Elfo’s fake girlfriend.

Sorcerio from Disenchantment

Sorcerio from Disenchantment

In Disenchantment, Sorcerio is a wizard serving as the science advisor to King Zog. His main duty is to extract blood from Elfo and turn it into an elixir of life, which he fails to do on multiple occasions.

King Zog from Disenchantment

King Zog from Disenchantment

In Disenchantment, King Zog is the proud ruler of Dreamland and the ornery, vulgar father of Princess Bean. He is married to his second wife, Queen Oona, but seeks the elixir of life to restore his first wife Queen Dagmar, who was turned to stone many years ago.

Queen Oona from Disenchantment

Queen Oona from Disenchantment

In Disenchantment, Queen Oona is the second wife of King Zog and the stepmother of Princess Bean. Being from Dankmire, she is reptilian with gray skin, a prehensile tongue, the ability to climb walls, and the ability to reproduce by laying eggs.

Luci from Disenchantment

Luci from Disenchantment

In Disenchantment, Luci (voiced by Eric Andre) is a black shadow-like creature who is Princess Bean’s personal demon. Contrary to popular belief, Luci isn’t short for Lucifer, but rather Lucille. The People of Dreamland often confuse him for a cat.

alucard from castlevania

Alucard from Castlevania

Alucard is the son of Dracula in the video game and 2017 Netflix series Castlevania. He was first playable in Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse and later was the main protagonist in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. This guide is based on his appearance in the latter.

Kaz Kaan

In Ezra Koenig’s Netflix anime series “Neo Yokio,” Kaz Kaan (Jaden Smith) is the main character. Living in a city that blends Tokyo and New York City, Kaz Kaan is a magistocrat, field hockey player, and business investor. More concerned with his love life/social life than his duties as a magical protector and demon slayer, Kaz Kaan has to balance his desires with his duties. As to be expected of a bachelor in Neo Yokio, he is also quite fashion-conscious.

Jessi Glaser from Big Mouth

A close friend of Andrew and Nick in Big Mouth, Jessi Glaser (Jessi Klein) is just another girl trying to navigate the beginning of her teen years. After getting her period for the first time on a school field trip, she meets the Hormone Monstress and shenanigans ensue. One of her first acts of pubescent rebellion is in buying a scandalous red push-up bra.

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