Jotaro Kujo
In JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure series, Jotaro Kujo is the protagonist of Stardust Crusaders. Jotaro is a biracial delinquent who lives a quiet life until DIO returns. Jotaro’s trademark looks are a visored, ornamented cap and a long coat with standing collar and attached chains.
Sydney Skelley from Ready Jet Go!
In Ready Jet Go!, Sydney Skelley is one of Jet’s best friends. Sydney loves sci-fi and using her imagination. She especially loves anything to do with Commander Cressida, about a brave female space captain. Sydney keeps her hair in a bun using a yellow hair tie.
Marisa Coulter from His Dark Materials
In His Dark Materials, Marisa Coulter (Ruth Wilson) is an elegant, sophisticated adventurer who is former lovers with Lord Asriel. She offers to adopt Lyra Belacqua and train her as her protege in London. Marisa’s dæmon is a golden monkey with long fur named Ozymandias.
Aviva Corcovado from Wild Kratts
In PBS’s educational nature show Wild Kratts, Aviva Corcovado is a biomechanical engineer and third in command of the Wild Kratts crew. Aviva is responsible for inventing all of the gadgets, including the Tortuga and Creature Power Suits. Her signature color is purple, and she likes to dress practically from her windbreaker down to her sneakers.
Lyra Belacqua from His Dark Materials
In His Dark Materials, Lyra Belacqua (Dafne Keen) is an orphan girl living with scholars at Oxford. There she discovers a dangerous secret involving Lord Asriel and Marisa Coulter, and soon finds herself in the middle of a cosmic struggle. Lyra, like all inhabitants of her world, is accompanied by her dæmon, named Pantalaimon and who likes to take the form of a snow-white ermine.
Make Your Own: Cassandra from Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure
A skilled fighter with a free-spirited personality, Cassandra one of the main characters from Disney’s Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure. Cassandra is […]
Polly Pocket
Polly Pocket is a TV series based on the popular Mattel doll Polly, who has a magical locket that can shrink her and her friends down to a tiny size. In the show, Polly Pocket (voiced by Emily Tennant) is a young genius with loves to help people and has a thirst for adventure. Things work out when she inherits the magical locket from her grandmother Penelope Pocket.
Red from Pokemon Masters
In Pokemon Masters, Red makes his appearance at the Pokemon Masters League tournament on Pasio. Red, who was the main protagonist trainer in the very first three Pokemon games, still has his trusty Charizard by his side, although his outfit has changed slightly, now wearing a black tee, pants with blue flames down the side, and a mysterious black wristband.
Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z
Lori Loud from The Loud House
In The Loud House, Lori Loud is a 17 year old girl and the oldest child of the large Loud family. As such she tends to be bossy and rude with her 10 younger siblings, including Lisa, Lenu, Luan, Luna, and Lincoln.