Saul Goodman
In Breaking Bad, Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk) is the trade name of Jimmy McGill, a sleazy “criminal” lawyer who again gives up his identity and goes into hiding. He resurfaces in his own TV series, Better Call Saul, incognito as Gene the Cinnabon employee in Omaha, Nebraska.
Debut Pearl
In Steven Universe, Pearl debuts in a sleeveless sky-blue top and silk ballet flats. It’s not until post-regeneration that she takes the form with the satin sash-ribbon around her upper waist and amber-colored leggings.
Ryuko Matoi
In Kill la Kill, Ryuko Matoi is a student at Honnōji Academy. She is searching for the twin of her red Scissor Blade hoping it will lead to the person who used it to murder her father. For a tutorial on Ryuko Matoi’s Make-Up, check out this YouTube video.
In the Marvel Comics, Matt Murdock is Daredevil, a blind lawyer turned superhero. After he initially makes do with a homemade black suit, he upgrades to this red costume that we’re all much more familiar with.
The Grinch
In the classic Dr. Seuss book, How the Grinch Stole Christmas!, the Grinch is a green furry recluse who despises Christmas and plots to ruin the holiday for the people of Whoville. Will he succeed or perhaps have a change of heart?
Commander Lexa
In The 100, Lexa (Alycia Debnam-Carey) is commander of the 12 Clans, uniting the Coalition in a fight against Mount Weather. She commands respect and wields authority as a visionary. At the same time, she is merciful and trusts in the Sky Peoples. You can watch a video tutorial for how to style your hair like hers here.
Isabella Garcia-Shapiro
Zebediah Killgrave
In Jessica Jones, Killgrave or Kilgrave (David Tennant) is the Purple Man, nemesis to Jessica Jones and the Daredevil. Born Kevin Thompson, his superpower allows him to verbally control nearly all those around him, which makes him one of the toughest villains to take down.
Jessica Jones
Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter) is a P.I. and former superhero with the abilities of superhuman strength and flight whose has past has come back to haunt her. Her superhero career failed when she was manipulated by a mind-controller, Zebediah Killgrave AKA The Purple Man, for eight months before his apparent death. Suffering for PTSD, Jessica must face Killgrave after he returns to make her life hell once again.