(Keigo Takami) Hawks from My Hero Academia Costume

(Keigo Takami) Hawks from My Hero Academia

Hawks (voiced in Japanese by Yuichi Nakamura and in English by Zeno Robinson) is one of the main pro heroes in the anime/manga My Hero Academia.

He is currently the No.2 Pro Hero, and has a variety of ties to different groups, both current and former. His Quirk incorporates his wings, allowing him to fly and control individual feathers for attacks.

Hawks has golden messily spiked hair, and golden-brown eyes that he wears yellow goggles over, in tandem with ear protectors. His outfit is built for flight, streamlined for the black and gold underlayer, with bulky and warm tan outer layers. He wears a thick pair of black gloves, black socks, and black boots, and has a large set of red wings coming from his back.

(Keigo Takami) Hawks from My Hero Academia Costume 1234567

About the Author


Hello everyone, my name is Jamie! I'm a 30 year old Washington-based nonbinary cosplayer that's been in the scene for the past 17-ish years! My passions are cosplaying, drawing, and playing video games, with the occasional writing dabbling (outside of articles) on the side~

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