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Jesse Pinkman

…Jesse Pinkman may have gotten in a little over his head when he decided to become partners with his former high school chemistry teacher. However, upping his meth production has allowed him to increase the number of T-shirts he owns which are great for showing off those tribal tattoos….

Bella Swan

…Bella Swan is the girl who couldn’t wait to become a vampire, and a vampire she became. We all love vampire Bella a little more than human Bella, with her spunk, strength, and willingness to protect others. You go get ’em Mrs. Cullen….

Rosalie Hale

…Beautiful, caring, and bitter. Three perfect words to describe Rosalie, a vampire who longs for her human life back. Learning to be a vampire and love her new family hasn’t always been easy, but she’s learned to adapt over the past 90 years….

Celebrating BIPOC Vamp Day

…r Blade. I guess he is similar to Laurent in the Twilight Saga. He doesn’t use swords or guns, even though he is extremely skilled in the combative arts. His words are his choice of weapons. I drew inspiration from many of the vampire elders in movies and stories. The ones who weren’t the demons and monsters of the night (they are but they rather not show that), but the councilman, the scholars, the record keepers, the ones who were sought out for…

Cosplay Cribs: Costume-Makers Give Us a Virtual Tour of Their Workshops

…, as well as a small ironing set up. When it comes to my favorite tools, I use a lot of friction highlighters because I can mark the armsocks and the markings will go away completely once they are hit with the heat from an iron! I also love my Fiskars 9″ featherweight scissors, and my little seam ripper necklace I was gifted.” Mari’s workspace. Amber says: “My setup is actually in my bedroom, across from my bed! I have a small collapsible table th…

Interview with the Cast and Crew of Monster Force Zero

…time spent on the ol’ interweb and looking, I came up with what is now the world famous Yetiboot – now, one of my most favorite characters I’ve ever had the opportunity to play. He actually really became my favorite after going to a handful of cons and interacting with the attendees. And my hope, after the masses see the little diamond in the rough, that maybe just maybe someone will wanna cosplay this big hairy lug. Also, it would be kinda cool t…

Queenie from AHS: Coven

…abourey Sidibe) is the only person of color at Miss Robichaux’s Academy in American Horror Story: Coven. Queenie is sassy, confident, and possesses the abilities of a “human voodoo doll” – she can injure herself in order to harm others, while feeling no pain herself. She enters Miss Robichaux’s Academy alongside Madison Montgomery, Zoe Benson, Misty Day, and is taught by the Supreme Fiona Goode. Through the trials of AHS: Coven, Queenie eventually…

Make Your Own: Gibbs’ Coffee Cup from NCIS

…is time, I let the pagesit for a while. After that, I cut out the decals, leaving a small allowance of space around each one. To prep the plastic coffee cup, clean it rigorously with hot water and soap, and/or rubbing alcohol on a cotton pad. Mix up the Mod Podge and brush a thin layer on both the tumbler and the underside of the printable. Afterwards, apply another two or three more coats, waiting a couple hours in between each one. Remember to l…

Black History Across Nerd Culture

…ineties to the early 2000s. Okazaki drew on his love for soul and hip hop music in American media to create the story of Afro Samurai, who witnesses the murder of his father and sets out for vengeance. The series was adapted into an anime in 2007, with a movie sequel two years later. Due to a North American audience, actors such as Lucy Liu and Ron Perlman voiced the villains, with Samuel L. Jackson as the titular character. The anime garnered two…

Celebrating Black Fae Day

…er based in the Pacific Northwest. They are well-known for their Lore Olympus cosplays and TikTok videos. Let’s see just how she transformed herself into Oberon’s “merry wanderer of the night.” Tell us a bit about your look — how you made it, what inspired it, anything you want to share: “As a theatre grad and costume designer I have always wanted to do my own spin on Shakespeare’s Midsummer’s Night Dream – so I decide to make my own version of Pu…