Elizabeth Liones
In Seven Deadly Sins, Elizabeth Liones is the third princess of the Kingdom of Liones, an adopted daughter of King Liones, and is originally from the kingdom of Danafor. She is working as a waitress at Boar Hat Bar when she joins Meliodas in his journey to find the Seven Deadly Sins.
Nigel Tufnel
In the mockumentary This Is Spinal Tap, Nigel Tufnel (Christopher Guest) is the lead guitarist for the rock band Spinal Tap. He rocks louder than anyone else, owing to his custom amplifier that goes up to eleven.
Barbara Holland
In Stranger Things, Barbara “Barb” Holland (Shannon Purser) vanishes which results in her best friend Nancy Wheeler investigating her disappearance. It’s not until Eleven astral projects to the Upside Down that we learn her ultimate fate.
Master Chief
In Halo, MCPON John-117 is Master Chief, a faceless biochemically and cybernetically-enhanced supersoldier who was raised from birth to be a killing machine. He’s rarely seen without his armor or helmet.
In the DC comics, Batgirl is the female counterpart to Batman. Her true identity is Barbara Gordon, the daughter of Gotham’s police commissioner James Gordon. Much like Batman, she fights crime using a combination of martial arts, her wits, and an arsenal of high-tech gadgets.
Pablo Escobar
The Netflix original series Narcos tells the tale of Pablo Escobar (Wagner Moura), the notorious Colombian drug kingpin who became a billionaire through the production and distribution of cocaine. Though he looks like a harmless middle-aged man, he was directly and indirectly responsible for hundreds of killings.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump an American businessman, television host, author, and politician with a larger than life personality. He shocked America when he announced his candidacy for U.S. President, and America shocked the world when they gave him the Republican nomination.
Android 18
In Dragon Ball Z, Android #18 was forcibly turned into a cyborg by Dr. Gero in his fight against Goku. She is introduced wearing a denim jacket and skirt, but gains a new outfit from going through his wife Chi-Chi’s closet.