Sarah Connor
In the Terminator series, Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) is a young woman who finds herself pursued by a relentless Terminator android sent from the future. Over the course of the movies, she develops from a damsel in distress to a hardened bad-ass who’s prepared to take on all comers.
Johnny Lawrence
In The Karate Kid, Johnny Lawrence (Billy Zabka) bullies the new kid at school, Daniel. They eventually fight against one another in the All-Valley Karate Tournament raising the question of whose dojo will win: Cobra Kai’s or Mr. Miyagi’s?
Dennis and Gnasher
Dennis and Gnasher are stars of the British comic strip, Dennis the Menace and Gnasher. As his name implies, Dennis is a troublemaking schoolboy who likes add excitement to a dull day, especially with the help of his slingshot. Coincidentally, he sure looks a lot like the British version of this guy.
Motivational Shia LaBeouf
In this video, Shia LaBeouf gives an impassioned but general purpose motivational speech where he drops wisdom bombs like “yesterday, you said tomorrow”. You’ve been thinking about dressing up as him, so what are you waiting for? JUST DO IT.
In Daredevil, Wilson Fisk (Vincent D’Onofrio) is the Kingpin, one of the most feared and ruthless crime lords in New York City, which pits him as the nemesis of Daredevil and Spider-Man. Don’t let his heavyset appearance fool you — that’s all muscle.
The Bride of Frankenstein
In The Bride of Frankenstein, Dr. Frankenstein is coerced by The Monster to create a mate (Elsa Lanchester) to be his companion. Despite her bandaged appearance, she makes quite an impression with her lightning streaked hair.
Sybill Trelawney
In Harry Potter, Sybill Trelawney (Emma Thompson) is a witch and professor of Divination at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Though many don’t take her seriously, she knows of what she speaks, as she accurately predicted many prophecies about Lord Voldemort.
Emily from Until Dawn
In Until Dawn, Emily is an intelligent, resourceful, and has a sharp wit. That’s not to say she’s pleasant to be around. She’s known in the group for her withering put downs, and has been known to bring up her 4.0 GPA in arguments.
Sonya Blade
In Mortal Kombat, Sonya Blade is an officer of the U.S. Special Forces. While pursuing Kano and the Black Dragon syndicate, she enters Shang Tsung’s fighting tournament. Even though she’s dressed for sweating to the oldies rather than fighting to the death, she’s able to hold her own against some of the fiercest fighters in the world.