
Otto Mann

In The Simpsons, Otto Mann (voiced by Harry Shearer) is a laid-back metalhead who drives the school bus for Springfield Elementary. Despite all his underachieving and drug usage, Otto is a friend to Bart and occasionally serves as his mentor. If you want to go all out for this costume, pick up some yellow body paint!


In Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, and alternate Civil War history, Adam (Rufus Sewell) is the leader of the 5000-year-old order of vampires. Since he turned Henry Sturges and killed his wife, Sturges makes it his life goal to eradicate vampires.

Mello from Death Note

The elder of L’s two successors, Mello (Nozomu Sasaki / David Hurwitz) is an antagonist in the Death Note series. While he is indeed older than Near, he is less intelligent than his counterpart, which is something he is exceedingly aware of. Mello can often be seen eating chocolate bars, and typically wears dark colors and leather.

Uncle Fester

Uncle Fester, also known as Fester Addams, is a member of the fictional Addams Family. He was played by Jackie Coogan in the original television series, by Christopher Lloyd in the two feature films. He’s also the player character in the infamous video game Fester’s Quest, reviewed by The Angry Video Game Nerd

Night King

Night King

In Game of Thrones, the Night King is the master and the first of the White Walkers, having existed since the age of the First Men. He appears in Bran Stark’s visions and faces off against Jon Snow, who cryptically warns the rest of Westeros that “Winter is coming”.

The Underminer from Incredibles 2


In The Incredibles, The Underminer (John Ratzenberger) is a supervillain who has declared war on peace and happiness. He’s resemblance to a mole is uncanny, from the big chompers to the ability to dig tunnels underground using his big drill vehicle and robot hands.

Amos Hart

Amos Hart is the loyal but dimwitted husband of Roxie Hart in the musical, Chicago. Portrayed by John C. Reilly in the film adaptation, his major musical number, “Mr. Cellophane,” is modeled after vaudeville tramp-clowns, reflecting his put-upon place in the story line. Vaudeville clown suits are difficult to find in black, so to replicate his tattered look, distress an oversized suit or pants and jacket, tie a large, silk scarf into a bow, and use light clown makeup.

Jyushimatsu Matsuno

Jyushimatsu Matsuno

In Osomatsu-kun, Jyushimatsu is the fifth born son in the Matsuno family. He is very eccentric and energetic, and loves to play baseball. He loves all of his brothers, but likes spending time with Ichimatsu a lot.

Raptor from Fortnite

Raptor from Fortnite

In Fortnite, Raptor is a Royal Air Force test pilot. As you can see from his skin, is he ready to handle anything, equipped with everything from a headset for comms to a shovel to dig holes. OK, so that’s basically all he has.


Odd Job (Harold Sakata) is the manservant, henchman, golf caddy and chauffeur to the villain Auric Goldfinger in the 1964 James Bond film titled Goldfinger. He is a mute, physically strong man that smiles during a fight and uses his steel-tipped hat as a lethal weapon. A fan-favorite, he has appeared in numerous video games and novels. Like every good manservant, he dresses smartly in a black suit with his signature Sandringham hat.

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