
DJ Pon-3

DJ Pon-3 is a My Little Pony whose name was given to her by fans. Her real name is Vinyl Scratch and she uses DJ Pon-3 as a stage name when she DJ’s. Appropriately, her cutie mark is a musical note.

Fat Albert

Fat Albert (originally voiced by Bill Cosby, later played by Kenan Thompson) is the leader and conscience of the Junkyard Gang. Though obese, he enjoys playing sports, not to mention a mean bagpipe-accordion cobbled together with a funnel, radiator, and airbag.

Dree Elle

In He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, Dree Elle is female Trollan who’s Orko’s girlfriend. Unlike the other Trollans whose robes are marked by the first letter of their name, Dree Elle’s robe lacks this feature.


Fluttershy is a sweet, gentle, and shy pegasus pony who represents the Element of Kindness. She has the ability to communicate with animals which is how she earned her butterfly cutie mark.

Phineas Flynn

Phineas (voiced by Vincent Martella) spends his summers with his stepbrother Ferb coming up with projects and activities to keep themselves busy. Phineas is extremely creative and optimistic which often makes him the driving force behind their schemes.


In Harry Potter, Tom Riddle becomes Lord Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes), leader of a league of evil wizards and witches, and arch-enemy of Harry Potter. He alternatively goes by the nicknames He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and He-Without-A-Nose.

Matt Foley

On Saturday Night Live, Matt Foley (Chris Farley) is a motivational speaker with all the wrong qualities. He’s disheveled, eats a steady diet of government cheese, and lives in a van down by the river. If you’re doing any better, well whoop-dee-frickin-doo!

Corey Mason

In Empire Records, Corey Mason (Liv Tyler) and the other record store employees are trying to stop the store from being bought out by a competitor. First they have to figure out how to replace the $9000 one of the managers lost gambling. Sound like a party might be the perfect solution.

Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox

Paul Bunyan is an American folk legend who’s a lumberjack known for his giant stature, superhuman labors and his blue ox, Babe.

Bob Wiley

In What About Bob?, Bob Wiley (Bill Murray) is a good-natured psychiatric patient. When his therapist goes on vacation, Bob decides to follow. Initially, he’s only a mild annoyance to Dr. Marvin but as Bob ingratiates himself and his condition improves, Dr. Marvin gets pushed over the edge.

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