Sypha Belnades from Castlevania DIY Costume Guide

Sypha Belnades from Castlevania

Sypha Belnades (played by Alejandra Reynoso in the Castlevania animated series) is a sorceress with control over the elements. Her people, the speakers, are a nomadic tribe of scholars and magicians. Syphas people were wrongly accused of causing Dracula's mass murders of humans and therefor were mostly in hiding. Sypha herself presented as a young man so she would not be accused of being a witch. She met Trevor Belmont in The Catacombs after being turned back from stone once he killed the cyclops that attacked her. The two start working together shortly after and decide to start on a quest to kill Dracula and defeat his army. Sypha's Costume requires a good amount of layering. I recommend turning the Teal Mesh Poncho Top inside out and cutting from the bottom along the seam until you reach the top of the shoulder. This will give more visibility to the layers underneath the poncho. Use the bandage wrap over her tank top which should be tucked into her skirt. This is a fun simple DIY costume that will be a great choice for any cosplay event.

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