How Do You Do, Fellow Kids?
The “How Do You Do, Fellow Kids?” meme came from an episode of 30 Rock, where 55-year-old private investigator named Lenny Wosniak (Steve Buscemi) goes undercover as a high school student. Make sure to get two skateboards for this costume, one to casually hold under your arm and another to sling over your shoulder like a cool kid.
Trowa Barton in Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
The third member of the G Team, Trowa Barton, is the most experienced soldier and a skilled infiltrator; he’s often shown wearing enemy uniforms. He’s the only member of the group that was born on Earth. Personality-wise, Trowa is exceedingly calm and patient, with a determination that can only be described as inhuman.
River Song
The wife of the Doctor and daughter of Amy Pond and Rory Williams, River Song (Alex Kingston) has an illustrious parentage on the BBC series Doctor Who. She first appears as the wife of the 11th Doctor, but because of her warped time line and supernatural abilities due to TARDIS DNA within her she makes multiple appearances across seasons. Professionally she is a Professor of Archaeology, but most of the time she is either seeking out the Doctor or being forced to harm him by his enemies. To capture her image, go for a long tunic with black leggings, wild hair and an infectiously cheerful personality.
Clara Oswald
Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman) acts as the companion to the 11th and 12th Doctors on the smash BBC TV series Doctor Who. She is a beautiful, mysterious character with multiple incarnations, including a Dalek. After she joins up with the 12th Doctor she decides to become a school teacher and proceeds to fall in love. Unfortunately, she begins to become increasingly reckless, which leads to unexpected outcomes. This guide covers her fan-favorite red outfit with high tops and a funky utility belt.
The 13th Doctor
The titular character on the BBC hit TV series Doctor Who is the last of the Time Lords, a race capable of time travel and regeneration. The Doctor has regenerated its body 13 times, and for the first time it its history it regenerates as a woman (Jodie Whittaker) for its 13th life. She travels the space-time continuum with her companions Graham, Yasmin and Ryan. This guide covers the 13th Doctor’s first iconic – and eccentric – look of suspenders, cropped pants, rainbow shirt and coat.
Cady Longmire
The daughter of titular character Walt Longmire on the TV series Longmire, Cady Longmire (Cassidy Freeman) is a lawyer searching for her place in the world. She is a kind, intelligent, strong woman who worries about her father, helps those around her and has a strong sense of justice. Eventually she decides to quit her job and work for a much lower salary helping those on the Cheyenne Indian Reservation. She favors layers with blue jeans, simple jewelry and a Western-style belt.
Kitty Riley
An investigative journalist looking for her first big break on the BBC drama Sherlock, Kitty Riley (Katherine Parkinson) tries to interview Sherlock Holmes in a bathroom with fantastically terrible results. Her adorable red pigtails, mock Sherlock hat and perky personality did little to melt the frigid detective. Undeterred, she reaches out to his nemesis James Moriarty, who uses her in a spectacular set-up for Sherlock that almost ruins him. To play the part of an adoring fan in hopes to win over Sherlock, Kitty dresses in his signature hat with an eclectic suit.
Patti Mayonnaise
Patricia “Patti” Mayonnaise is the secret love of Doug Funnie and a recurring character in the Disney/Nickelodeon cartoon Doug. This guide will focus on her Nickelodeon design.
Mary Morstan
A sweet, bright, witty woman, Mary Morstan (Amanda Abbington) falls hard for John Watson on the BBC show Sherlock, eventually marrying and having a child with him. She also has an unusually easy relationship with Sherlock Holmes, enjoying his notoriously scathing behavior. In later seasons she is revealed to have a dark, dangerous past that comes to threaten her relationships with John and Sherlock. As a modern British woman, she dresses in loose-fitting, trendy clothing in bright colors.
Heero Yuy from Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
The man we know as Heero Yuy is the main protagonist in Mobile Suit Gundam Wing, despite not being the leader of the G Team. Having been disciplined since childhood, and with a little genetic manipulation, Heero is the most skilled of the five Gundam pilots. In combat he has no compassion for his enemies and is often described as the perfect soldier, although he normally has no trouble displaying emotion outside of a battle.