
Eclipsa Butterfly

In Star vs. The Forces of Evil, Queen Eclipsa Butterfly is the former ruler of the Kingdom of Mewni. With pale skin and dressed in gothic garb, she was once presumed to be the great grandmother of Star Butterfly.

Lola Bunny

In Space Jam, Lola Bunny is a player on the basketball team Tune Squad and the sassy and beautiful girlfriend of Bugs Bunny. She helps battle the villainous Monstars as the second best player on the team, just behind His Airness, Michael Jordan, himself.


Ed is an eccentric, wacky 13-year-old computer and hacking genius aboard the titular interplanetary vessel Bebop on the anime TV series Cowboy Bebop. A bit androgynous and very unusual in personality, Ed never wears shoes, uses her feet like hands, rarely walks anywhere (choosing to roll, hitch a ride on someone’s back or crawl), has zero attention span and carries her computer on her head. Cheerful and animated, she acts as the comic relief during the show’s darker moments. She wears a simple outfit of spandex and tee shirt with her VR goggles and football-shaped hair.

Bombshell Catwoman

DC Bombshells is an alternate reality where female superheroes guard the homefront during WWII. In this universe, Catwoman is still a jewel thief, but her style is inspired by the pinups of the 1940’s.

Princess Daisy

Princess Daisy is the princess of the faraway lands of Sarasaland. Rumored to be Luigi’s love interest, she is one of the Mushroom Kingdom gang and participates with them regularly in sports and go-karting.

Maid Marian from Robin Hood

Make Your Own: Maid Marian from Robin Hood

The Bronze Age of Disney saw a great many animal-centric classics such as Oliver and Company, The Fox and The […]



Bowsette (Koppa Hime in Japan) is a fan-created genderbend of Bowser caused by the effects of the Super Crown power-up in New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe. After both Mario and Bowser are rejected by Princess Peach towards the end of Super Mario Odyssey, Bowser transforms to find happiness with Mario instead.

Bombshell Talia al Ghul

Talia al Ghul is the daughter of the supervillian, Ra’s al Ghul, who trained Batman. In DC Bombshells, Talia is depicted as a beautiful, but deadly, harem girl that was a popular pinup theme in the 1940’s. This look is enhanced by bellydance accessories, bright colors, and ornate jewelry.

Squirrel Girl

Squirrel Girl

Squirrel Girl (real name Doreen Green) is an unlikely superhero, who possesses the ability to communicate with squirrels. Surprisingly, she’s able to use this so-called superpower to defeat major supervillains. She sometimes works solo, but has also teamed up with the Avengers and the New Warriors.

Myrtle Snow

Myrtle Snow

Myrtle Snow (Frances Conroy) of the TV show American Horror Story: Coven is a haute-couture-loving, eccentric, odd witch with a mass of frizzy red hair and an omnipresent pair of vintage cat eye glasses. She attended Miss Robichaux’s Academy with the former coven Supreme, Fiona Goode, and attempted to prevent Fiona from becoming the Supreme but failed. Myrtle then took Fiona’s daughter Cordelia under her wing, raising Cordelia as her own while she herself became the head of the Witches’ Council. She is at constant odds with Fiona, never disappoints in her wild clothing choices and puts the welfare of the Academy above all else.

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