Vendetta from Making Fiends DIY Costume Guide
Vendetta (voiced by Aglaia Mortcheva) is one of two main characters in the webshow turned tv series Making Fiends, as well as the primary antagonist.
She terrorizes her entire school with her fiends, the creatures she's created, to the point where she pretty much runs the school because the students and all the faculty are scared of her. Charlotte, meanwhile, absolutely does not care, and is trying her absolute hardest to be her best friend, which in turn is met with Vendetta trying to (literally) destroy her.
Due to the fact that all the characters in this show are monochromatic in terms of their colors, this will be up to personality interpretation for the actual look.
I gave Vendetta a long green wig as she has pigtails that reach to about her mid-back, a simple long-sleeved green dress (there is a lighter color variation in that link, but I was a little torn on shades), black leggings to contrast Charlotte's, green hair ties to blend with the wig, and black and bright green chunky platform boots as another contrast to Charlotte's lace pastel blue ones.
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