Solid Snake Costume Guide

Solid Snake

In the Metal Gear Solid series, Solid Snake is special ops agent who infiltrates enemy installations and disrupts their operations. When he's vastly outnumbered, he'll do whatever it takes to remain stealthy, and isn't above camping out in a cardboard box.

Solid Snake Costume 1234567891011

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  1. Can someone link me to a picture of what this looks like all together?

  2. Did anyone ever make this? Any pictures? It looks awesome like this.

  3. The only things I have are the gun and the eye patch XD

  4. Solid Snake doesn’t have an eyepatch

  5. You doof, the protagonist of mgs v is not solid snake it’s punished “venom” snake, aka big boss aka naked snake.

  6. Solid Snake does NOT have an eyepatch!

  7. Alexander July 18, 2016 Reply

    Solid Snake has never ever used an eyepatch.

  8. Big Boss and Venom snake are also different people

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