Crowley from Supernatural

In Supernatural, Crowley (Mark Sheppard) is a powerful demon who became the King of Hell after Lucifer’s imprisonment. In the past, he’s aligned himself with Sam and Dean, as well as Castiel. Crowley enjoys dressing sharply in dark-colored suits, and was once punished by Lucifer by being forced to wear bright-colored clothing.

Lucifer from Supernatural

In Supernatural, Lucifer (Mark Pellegrino), also known as Satan or The Devil or The Morning Star, is a fallen archangel and the main antagonist, as you could’ve guessed, of the TV series. Despite his claims that he’s a victim, he’s petulant and treacherous to anyone who gets in his way.

Sheriff Walt Longmire

The protagonist and unflappable sheriff of Absaroka county in the Netflix TV series Longmire, Walt Longmire (Robert Taylor) patrols his Wyoming territory with grit and determination. A weathered man with a core set of principles, he handles the twin difficulties of his caseload and the politics of working with the Cheyenne Reservation while also relentlessly searching for the killer of his wife. He dresses for the dry, dusty plains of Wyoming in a uniformly jean outfit and his signature hat.

Ali G

Ali G

Ali G (Sacha Baron Cohen), real name Alistair Leslie Graham, is a white British suburban male who imitates urban rap and hip hop culture. He’s boorish, uneducated, and the very definition of a poser, spouting endless catchphrases like “aight”, “booyakasha”, and “respek”.

Nina Tucker from Fullmetal Alchemist

Nina Tucker

In Fullmetal Alchemist, Nina Tucker is the young daughter of Shou Tucker. She is a happy girl who loves her father and is often seen playing with the family dog Alexander.

Tai Kayima from Digimon

Tai Kamiya

Taichi “Tai” Kamiya is the main protagonist in the anime Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure tri. He is a DigiDestined, partnered with Agumon, and the bearer of the Crest of Courage. He is the older brother of Kari Kamiya. His appearance is based on Taichi Yagami, the human protagonist of the Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01 manga, who in turn was based on Kentarou Kamon from the C’mon Digimon: The capering monster BUN one-shot. The goggles he wears are a characteristic that would eventually become shared among the leaders of the various DigiDestined in Digimon.

Shou Tucker from Fullmetal Alchemist

Shou Tucker

In Fullmetal Alchemist, Shou Tucker is the Sewing-Life Alchemist. Edward Elric and Colonel Roy Mustang pay a visit to his estate, where they meet him and his young daughter Nina. The clothes and shoes are self-explanatory, but if you haven’t figured it out, we’ll leave the dog and wig to your imagination.

Tai Kayima from Digimon Adventure 02

Tai Kamiya from Digimon Adventure 02

In Digimon Adventure 02, Tai Kamiya is Kari’s older brother who was the original leader of the Digidestined. He now attends high school and has given up his goggles to Davis.

Vicky the Viking from GLOW

Vicky the Viking

In GLOW, Viking the Viking (Marianna Palka) is the pro wrestling persona of Reggie Walsh, an Olympic wrestling medalist. She’s originally given the star role of Liberty Belle, but loses it to Debbie due to her lack of personality.

Ongo Gablogian from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Ongo Gablogian

In It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Ongo Gablogian is an alias of Frank Reynolds (Danny Devito), a white-haired art collector with undetermined accent who’s more than a little reminiscent of Andy Warhol. He’s not one to shy away from calling out art that he feels is derivative.

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